Can I bring my cell phone to camp?
Yes. Although, please read our cell phone policy below:
- Campers may use their phones to check in with their families when appropriate.
- Campers may use their phones to take pictures when appropriate.
- We expect campers to refrain from any other cell phone use.
- Cell phone use will be permitted only during free times in the dorms or outside.
- The consequences for using a cell phone outside of those areas/times are as follows:
- 1st offense: Phone is confiscated for the session.
- 2nd offense: Phone is confiscated for the day.
- 3rd offense: Phone is confiscated for the week.
- If a phone is confiscated, campers may still use the phone in the presence of a staff member or use a staff member’s phone.
We ask all campers to refrain from all forms of media while at camp. This includes music, movies, apps, texting, projects, emails, phone calls, etc.
What does a typical day in the Assembly Track look like?
The Assembly Track is for first-time campers.
In the Assembly Track, first-time campers begin their experience by being sworn-in as members of the Assembly. Campers are challenged to think critically about current issues through role-playing as state lawmakers and discussing actual bills from the Wisconsin legislature.
Each participant is assigned to a committee and a caucus, and each caucus has one bill to support and one to oppose. Campers learn the process of how a bill becomes a law as well as the responsibilities of citizenship.
These young legislators hear testimony from lobbyists during committee meetings, oftentimes chaired by real State Senators & Representatives! Campers can ask tough questions of the lobbyists and gain valuable information on their bill.
LEAD WI climaxes when campers assemble as a legislative body to debate and cast their votes on the issues considered throughout the week. Family members and friends are invited to watch it all from the gallery!
At what age is my child eligible to attend?
In order to attend LEAD WI, your child must be 13-19 years old. Deciding which year to start sending your camper is up to parents. While making this decision, we encourage you to consider the maturity level of your child and whether or not he/she can handle the rigorous schedule and challenging curriculum.
What is the average age of first-time campers?
First-time campers vary in ages from 13-19. Over the years of LEAD in other states, there has always been a good balance of older and younger participants. First-time campers are split into committees and caucuses, and each group is purposely made up of campers of all ages, so no one group has any advantage over another during debates on Friday in the Capitol.
What if my child is reluctant or does not want to attend?
This is a common question because LEAD is very unique and the experience is very different than what most teens expect. As it turns out, the vast majority of parents who choose to send their children (in spite of objections) express amazement with the 180° shift they see in their child. They are glad they made the decision. Countless teens have said that LEAD is “…the best thing my parents ever made me do,” and “…the most fun I never thought I’d have.”
What are the housing arrangements?
We house everyone in the guy’s and girl’s dorms (which are across campus from each other). Dorm rooms are assigned, placing campers of similar ages together. 1 crew member will be assigned to oversee 2 dorm rooms.
Can I attend even if I don't live in Wisconsin?
Yes! We have campers from many different states that come to LEAD Wisconsin.
Is there a swimming pool or lake?
Nope. No need to pack a bathing suit. The most you may want to bring is a dark shirt/athletic shorts, just in case we break out some water balloons!
What bible translation will you be using during camp?
We will be using the ESV translation.